Hillingdon Water Sports Facility & Activity Centre Planning Application
With the HWSF&AC planning submission posted on the Hillingdon Council website and the two Presentation/Q&A sessions provided, Broadwater SC members are asked to submit a response and comment on the plans. When submitting a response, please consider what is in the best interest to secure another 50 years for Broadwater SC. The proposal will provide a long and secure lease, an increased sailing area, new enhanced and dedicated facilities and ecologically managed improvements for wildlife. For these and several other reasons, the Broadwater SC Trustees and Main Committee support the planning application.
Response and comments can be submitted via the Hillingdon Council planning application website: https://planning.
From the Planning Application page either select View Documents or select Enter Comments, enter your details, enter For (or other option) and add Comments.
Thank you
Andy Chaplin
Commodore Broadwater SC
Update 5th May 2023
The Hillingdon Council Planning Application website now has information posted on the proposed Hillingdon Water Sports Activity Centre (HWSAC) development at Broadwater Lake. As reported in the last update, this proposed development includes Broadwater SC, HOAC and the Fishing Club.
Link to the site is below. Click on 'View Documents' to see reports related to the proposed development Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The first document 'EIA Scoping Report (dated February 2023)' and the last document 'Scoping Report Addendum Note (dated April 2023)' contain the best information.
Broadwater SC Trustees (Andy Chaplin, Dave Tonge, Brian Deacon & Chris Brooks) are in regular contact with Hillingdon Council Planning on the development proposals. If you have any comments or questions, please ask one of the Trustees.
Andy Chaplin
Commodore & Trustee, Broadwater SC
BroadReach Article on HWSAC
by Dave Tonge, commodore February 2023
Hi All,
You may have seen the Hillingdon News article posted on the Broadwater Sailing Club (BSC) website about Hillingdon Council’s proposal to purchase Broadwater Lake to provide a suitable site to relocate Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre (HOAC) which was forced to close due to the construction of HS2. The proposal is to create a combined outdoor and water sports activity centre - with the working name Hillingdon Water Sports Activity Centre (HWSAC) on a site that includes Broadwater Lake. The HWSAC proposal includes BSC. Over the past 6 months, BSC Trustees (myself, Chris Brooks, Brian Deacon & Andy Chaplin) have had regular meetings with the Hillingdon Council Senior Planning Manager and as stakeholders, Broadwater Trustees, HOAC and the Fishing Club have been kept up to date about progress and have provided input for the plans – which have not yet been published.
In December, an update was provided on the HWSAC proposal to the BSC Main and Race Committees and some of you attended the Hillingdon Council Public Consultation Event - Broadwater Lake, which was held on Wednesday 22nd February at Harefield Library at which further details on the outline planning proposal were made public.
Hillingdon Council have finalised a Land Purchase Option Agreement with the current owners of the lake, our landlords Tarmac, to purchase the lake subject to planning permission approval. Hillingdon Council are still finalising detailed plans with only outline proposals presented at the Public Consultation Event. Negotiations are taking place between Hillingdon Council, Natural England and other related parties as the lake is a SSSI.
The Proposal involves moving the club facilities to the Southern end of the lake – very close to where the club was originally located. The Club will have a lease agreement with Hillingdon Council and share the site with HOAC, HOAC’s subsidiary clubs and the fishing club. New facilities will be built to replicate our current infrastructure - club house, storage, pontoons and launching facilities - with room for growth. BSC will be providing the Adult sailing facilities on the lake as we currently do.
The site layout, building structure and internal fitout is still being finalised, but proposals
seen to date include:
• a double story clubhouse where BSC will have its own entrance, changing rooms, kitchen and meeting room facilities
• purpose built powerboat storage, bosuns locker, workshop and junior sailing store
• relocation of the French barn and Mark Fielding bench to the new site
• our own boatpark
• access to at least 3 slipways and pontoons
• significant beach space
• the lake will be dredged to provide sailing access to the land peninsular and some other shallows around the lake may also be removed
Among the benefits to the club would be:
• a reduction in the maintenance tasks required by club members
• a shorter higher quality access road
• a single point of access from Moor Hall Road giving improved site security
• a more secure lease providing the opportunity to apply for funding grants
• an enhanced body of water to sail on
• space to expand
The facilities will all be built to latest building standards including handicap person access/facilities. HOAC will also utilise part of the main clubhouse with separate access and have other, purpose-built facilities.
This is of course a major change to the current Broadwater SC facilities. However, we have a great opportunity to be part of a premier water sports activity centre, with new facilities and an increased sailing area, thus securing the potential for another 50 years for Broadwater SC.
We will arrange further updates for members at the Broadwater SC Clubhouse (watch the website and Facebook page for details) as Hillingdon Council finalise plans. Feedback forms provided by Hillingdon Council will be made available in the club house.
If you have any comments or questions, please raise with Club Trustees:
Chris Brooks, Andy Chaplin, Brian Deacon, and Dave Tonge.
Dave Tonge
Hillingdon Water Sports Facility & Activity Centre Planning Application
With the HWSF&AC planning submission posted on the Hillingdon Council website and the two Presentation/Q&A sessions provided, Broadwater SC members are asked to submit a response and comment on the plans. When submitting a response, please consider what is in the best interest to secure another 50 years for Broadwater SC. The proposal will provide a long and secure lease, an increased sailing area, new enhanced and dedicated facilities and ecologically managed improvements for wildlife. For these and several other reasons, the Broadwater SC Trustees and Main Committee support the planning application.
Response and comments can be submitted via the Hillingdon Council planning application website: https://planning.
From the Planning Application page either select View Documents or select Enter Comments, enter your details, enter For (or other option) and add Comments.
Thank you
Andy Chaplin
Commodore Broadwater SC
Update 22 June 2023
Broadwater Sailing Club Trustee’s continue to meet on a regular basis with Richard Weston from Hillingdon Council on planning status and developments for the proposed Hillingdon Water Sports Facility & Activity Centre (HWSF&AC) at Broadwater Lake.
The Request for Scoping Opinion Environmental Impact Assessment has been completed with documents posted on the Hillingdon Planning website (https://planning.hillingdon.gov.uk/OcellaWeb/planningDetails?reference=2382/APP/2023/525&from=planningSearch). Do have a look as it contains outline information and plans.
There continues to be ecological, architect and contractor visits to Broadwater Lake. The most recent of these has been from a dredging company who took samples from the lake bottom shallows. This is part of Hillingdon Councils continuing development of planning proposals and contractor selection.
Latest timeline update suggests Hillingdon Council will submit proposals and plans for the HWSF&AC during July 2023 and this starts the public and interested parties consultation process. When plans become public information we will arrange some Q&A sessions at the clubhouse. Watch the website for details.
That’s it for now. If you have any comments or questions please ask one of the Trustees (Andy Chaplin, Dave Tonge, Brian Deacon, Chris Brooks).
Andy Chaplin
Commodore & Trustee, Broadwater SC
Update 5th May 2023
The Hillingdon Council Planning Application website now has information posted on the proposed Hillingdon Water Sports Activity Centre (HWSAC) development at Broadwater Lake. As reported in the last update, this proposed development includes Broadwater SC, HOAC and the Fishing Club.
Link to the site is below. Click on 'View Documents' to see reports related to the proposed development Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The first document 'EIA Scoping Report (dated February 2023)' and the last document 'Scoping Report Addendum Note (dated April 2023)' contain the best information.
Broadwater SC Trustees (Andy Chaplin, Dave Tonge, Brian Deacon & Chris Brooks) are in regular contact with Hillingdon Council Planning on the development proposals. If you have any comments or questions, please ask one of the Trustees.
Andy Chaplin
Commodore & Trustee, Broadwater SC
BroadReach Article on HWSAC
by Dave Tonge, commodore February 2023
Hi All,
You may have seen the Hillingdon News article posted on the Broadwater Sailing Club (BSC) website about Hillingdon Council’s proposal to purchase Broadwater Lake to provide a suitable site to relocate Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre (HOAC) which was forced to close due to the construction of HS2. The proposal is to create a combined outdoor and water sports activity centre - with the working name Hillingdon Water Sports Activity Centre (HWSAC) on a site that includes Broadwater Lake. The HWSAC proposal includes BSC. Over the past 6 months, BSC Trustees (myself, Chris Brooks, Brian Deacon & Andy Chaplin) have had regular meetings with the Hillingdon Council Senior Planning Manager and as stakeholders, Broadwater Trustees, HOAC and the Fishing Club have been kept up to date about progress and have provided input for the plans – which have not yet been published.
In December, an update was provided on the HWSAC proposal to the BSC Main and Race Committees and some of you attended the Hillingdon Council Public Consultation Event - Broadwater Lake, which was held on Wednesday 22nd February at Harefield Library at which further details on the outline planning proposal were made public.
Hillingdon Council have finalised a Land Purchase Option Agreement with the current owners of the lake, our landlords Tarmac, to purchase the lake subject to planning permission approval. Hillingdon Council are still finalising detailed plans with only outline proposals presented at the Public Consultation Event. Negotiations are taking place between Hillingdon Council, Natural England and other related parties as the lake is a SSSI.
The Proposal involves moving the club facilities to the Southern end of the lake – very close to where the club was originally located. The Club will have a lease agreement with Hillingdon Council and share the site with HOAC, HOAC’s subsidiary clubs and the fishing club. New facilities will be built to replicate our current infrastructure - club house, storage, pontoons and launching facilities - with room for growth. BSC will be providing the Adult sailing facilities on the lake as we currently do.
The site layout, building structure and internal fitout is still being finalised, but proposals
seen to date include:
• a double story clubhouse where BSC will have its own entrance, changing rooms, kitchen and meeting room facilities
• purpose built powerboat storage, bosuns locker, workshop and junior sailing store
• relocation of the French barn and Mark Fielding bench to the new site
• our own boatpark
• access to at least 3 slipways and pontoons
• significant beach space
• the lake will be dredged to provide sailing access to the land peninsular and some other shallows around the lake may also be removed
Among the benefits to the club would be:
• a reduction in the maintenance tasks required by club members
• a shorter higher quality access road
• a single point of access from Moor Hall Road giving improved site security
• a more secure lease providing the opportunity to apply for funding grants
• an enhanced body of water to sail on
• space to expand
The facilities will all be built to latest building standards including handicap person access/facilities. HOAC will also utilise part of the main clubhouse with separate access and have other, purpose-built facilities.
This is of course a major change to the current Broadwater SC facilities. However, we have a great opportunity to be part of a premier water sports activity centre, with new facilities and an increased sailing area, thus securing the potential for another 50 years for Broadwater SC.
We will arrange further updates for members at the Broadwater SC Clubhouse (watch the website and Facebook page for details) as Hillingdon Council finalise plans. Feedback forms provided by Hillingdon Council will be made available in the club house.
If you have any comments or questions, please raise with Club Trustees:
Chris Brooks, Andy Chaplin, Brian Deacon, and Dave Tonge.
Dave Tonge
Hillingdon Water Sports Facility & Activity Centre Planning Application
With the HWSF&AC planning submission posted on the Hillingdon Council website and the two Presentation/Q&A sessions provided, Broadwater SC members are asked to submit a response and comment on the plans. When submitting a response, please consider what is in the best interest to secure another 50 years for Broadwater SC. The proposal will provide a long and secure lease, an increased sailing area, new enhanced and dedicated facilities and ecologically managed improvements for wildlife. For these and several other reasons, the Broadwater SC Trustees and Main Committee support the planning application.
Response and comments can be submitted via the Hillingdon Council planning application website: https://planning.
From the Planning Application page either select View Documents or select Enter Comments, enter your details, enter For (or other option) and add Comments.
Thank you
Andy Chaplin
Commodore Broadwater SC
HS2 Information 17th February 2023
HS2 Information October 2022
The article below was published in the Hillingdon People (an online magazine) in October 2022. Many of you will have seen it.
The council view the club as a stake holder in this move. We are working with the council to ensure the provision at Broadwater Lake will be the best possible for Broadwater SC members.
The club expects to remain active throughout this process.